Out at Sea is coming along, and I'm excited to announce that we are going with our original thought and playing the men instead of switching it to women. I'm excited for no other reason except that we will be wearing suits, ties, and pocket squares. How glad am I that the script calls for this? Extremely. I finally get to pick out my own men's dress clothes outfit! hahaha. I need to learn how to tie a tie. My dad obviously knows how since he wears them everyday, but he ties them really tight with a little ugly knot like they did in 1984. The main characters are Fat, Medium, and Thin to which I play Thin. I need a slimming suit.
I miss Kirsten. Her aura is so far away, and I just don't like it. :[ I'm really not sure what an aura is, but Schadrac and I used to talk about them like we knew, and give people's auras colors as we catered to them. He said my aura was a mix of colors because I'm all over the place, and I told him that his was black because he's black. 24 was ridiculous this week, and the death of Bill Buchanan (May he R.I.P.)might be the closest i've ever cried while watching television. Just kidding, 24 has trained me in only semi-lamenting the death of main characters. THERE'S NO TIME FOR MOURNING IN 24! Bill took one for the team, so I'll commemorate him below:

Today at work, I got a 20 dollar tip on a 33 dollar check. I'm really not sure why they did that, but it made me feel like a super server. My new phone is on its way. GOODBYE NAVY BLUE SAMSUNG SLIDER PHONE FROM HELL!!! My new phone has a keypad so I can text just as quickly as the rest of the world. It is making its way through the US Postal Service as we speak. The tribal burning ceremonies for navybluesamsungsliderphonefromhell will be held the day following the receiving of my new glorious white and teal gravity phone. The little kiddies are gearing up for fine arts. I'm pretty stoked....they're going to be amazing ORLANDO, HERE WE COME! (Yes it is reference to where the district competition will be held, as well as a call out to Orlando Faith who we will out-dramatize if it's the last thing we do). Alright, I suppose I've written enough. I will continue to study as well as fill the insatiable craving for salt I have by eating these pretzels. Ciao my loves!
-Erin Glynn
While you are at Orlando Faith, do you think you could beat up their Junior Bible Quiz team too? Thanks.