Oh wait, every weekend is a four day weekend for me. Heh.
Can I tell you I am so glad Kieffer Southerland abstained for more than a week from getting a DUI, so that 24 could continue?? Okay, because I like to live vicariously through 24, because I want to be a CTU agent, I will most definitely be blogging about Day 8. I think this magnifies my nerd status far more than I'd like to admit.
Let's recap on the 4 hour (yes, four hour) premier of Day 8 that occurred Sunday and Monday. Jack is apparently pulling out of all government (not that he ever really listened to the government) activity and moving to LA to be with my favorite character (note sarcasm) Kim, and his granddaughter, who named a stuffed bear... "bear". Either way, the only reason I believe Kim has lived this entire time is that if she died, Jack would probably just go on a mass killing frenzy and melt into a psychotic mess. Of course he is unable to leave when he is approached by an informant who notifies him that there is a planned assassination at the UN. The CTU is now reestablished and in tact, and there's a few new characters introduced: New leader of CTU (Mr.Hastings) Who was an idiot the first few episodes, but is assuredly coming around and realizing the only option is to let Bauer run a-muck and do what he wants (aka save millions of people). Dana Walsh aka Jenny, who is senior data analyst and slightly annoying. She has some overwhelming secret that is being threatened by some crazy ex-boyfriend that I'm sure will be dragged out for far too long. Cole Ortiz who is Dana's fiance and played by none other than...Freddie Prinze Jr. HAHAHA. I almost died when I saw that, but he seems to be pretty legit for now. (I trust no one in 24. He could be a Russian terrorist for all I know.)
In the second episode there is a return by none other than Renee Walker, and she has gone ABSOLUTELY INSANE! Little miss FBI-don't-hurt-anyone has returned in unbelievable too good to be true, coincidental 24 fashion. She was let go from the FBI for performing a Baueresque interrogation at the end of last season. Welcome to the CTU, Renee, where anything flies. Either way, she just so happens to have done a two year undercover stint with the Russians and is the ONLY agent that CTU can use for this operation. And so, he is used to drag Jack back in because he is scared for her well-being, because she looks like a greasy-haired hot violent mess when she shows up to CTU. I must say, I'm slightly saddened by Renee's return, because her and Jack's constant bickering and emotional squabbling is kind of annoying. I miss the days where Jack was a crazy CTU renegade for his own agenda. I almost wished Jack had really shot her in that staged killing they did in the beginning of Day 7. Then again, Renee does saw the hand off of a Russian at the end of the second episode, so maybe she's coming around. Jack pretends to be horrified, but on the inside I think he's proud and impressed.

In other news, Gator Basketball has finally won a conference game! They defeated LSU on Saturday night, hopefully kickstarting some great conference play from here on out. Also on Saturday night, we decided to visit Jon. We went out to dinner, and when we returned, a large tree had fallen on his car and totaled it. For some reason this doesn't surprise me. Poor Jon.
The 2010 Olympics begin February 12th, and I think to say I'm excited would be an understatement. Let's see if we can outdo those crazy Germans, who won the medal race in the Torino games.
I've been doing my 100 pushup challenge for two weeks now, and I did my exhausting exhaustion test on Sunday. I managed to max out at 47 pushups which is not only a major increase from my initial test, but also surprising because I possess 0.0 upper body strength. I am now in the highest bracket and have four weeks to add 53 push ups. I will update at my four week exhaustion test!
As I type this blog, I do it with pink nail polish on my fingers that I have rediscovered a love for now that I'm not a server. Goodness, I love my job!
It seems that Mr.Scott Brown, or now U.S. Senator Scott Brown has won theelection! Along with their myriad of sports teams I despise, and their uncanny ability to elect liberal nutjobs time and time again, it seems that MA could do no right. Don't fret, because it could be that the tide is turning, so Congratulations to MA and to Scott Brown! Maybe soon I'll become a Red Sox, Patriot, or Celtics fan!.....Yeah right.

Keep it classy,
Erin Glynn
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