Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spring Semester Begins

The grumpiness that I experienced waking up for class this morning cannot be a good sign of mornings to come. The fact that it was twenty degrees outside was simply a catalyst to further grumpiness, but I eventually got over my post 7am traumatic stress disorder. The haul to Tampa seems almost second nature now. I almost don't even remember doing it.
Peacoat and scarf in tact, I get to my first class, which is a ridiculous class called Native American Culture. Why God? Why do I have to be subjected to this? My professor is already officially categorized as absolutely nuts and most definitely played a drum and sang Lakota ceremonial songs within the first half hour of class. Somebody forgot to tell him that he is white. He went on to explain that he's a sundancer (like we cared) and that we have to go to a real Indian pow wow as an assignment (can you kill me now?). Is a pow wow even a real thing? I may wear a Pocahontas costume so I don't stand out too much. I really can't wait until our guest speaker...real live Native American little running water tree (or whatever his name is) comes and speaks to our class on Native American religion. I can already sense this professor's anti-Anglo ideals as he has clearly made us all aware of.
My next class is going to be fantastic, and instead of our final paper, we will be performing a play by Moliere. Anyone is invited to said play, so get your tickets on stub hub now. They're going fast.
My last class today was taught by what I literally believe to be the crypt keeper. If being in creative writing wasn't bad enough, the man is 82 years old and doesn't use e-mail. His syllabus was a half a page long and was obviously typed using a typewriter. The anthology that is listed goes back to the third edition and is crossed out every time the edition changed with a pen and recopied. We are now on the eighth addition. If he doesn't die mid-semester, I'm sure this will be an interesting class, because the man is quite a character. He's like a hybrid between Dr.Emmett Brown from Back to the Future and Dobby the house elf from Harry Potter. He only holds class once a week for a twice a week class, so I can't complain.
As I walked 400 miles back to my car, I found a parking ticket on there. THANKS USF. THANK YOU FOR WAITING AS I WAS GETTING MY 130 DOLLAR PARKING PASS FROM THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BECAUSE IT WAS MY FIRST DAY OF CLASS. I figured out that with the amount of commuter students multiplied by the amount a parking pass is, USF collects over 5 million dollars a SEMESTER in parking. This doesn't include the incredible amount of parking tickets they give through their parking police who have an insatiable thirst for power. On top of all this, you can never find a parking spot, because apparently with the five million dollars they make a semester, they can't add a few more parking spots. I will now end my tirade.
On Thursday I discover my 3 hour and 45 minute seminar class. I really just don't even want to know at this point. I will enjoy my beautiful Wednesday off with some Tennis and whatever else comes my way.
On a more hilarious note: Lane Kiffin has been hired by USC. Thank you Pac-10 for solidifying your mediocrity and taking him off our hands. I guess his wild dreams of singing as he beat the Gators is over. I wonder what felons he'll draw to beautiful Southern California as he continues his moronic ways as a head coach while jumping on the already sinking ship that is the University of Southern California football program. BON VOYAGE, Kiffin!

Keep it classy, my friends.

Erin Glynn

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