Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Update, New Classes, and Relationships

I know you think I'm lying due to my updating track record. Truth is, I need to write some stuff down every once in awhile, no matter how hard I try to stay away, okay!?! Plus, Tiffany has laid it into me that blogging is super-important and that life certainly cannot go on without it.

Praises be to Jesus, I finally was able to convince USF that I'm not a fraudulent, non-credentialed student. My classes are almost all very odd, but gotta jump through those hoops to graduate, right? Welcome to Mormonism in America and Introduction to body, mind, and culture. hahaha Big weight lifted off, and I was able to shove all my classes in Mon/Wed again which is great, so I only have to drive twice a week. I really want to do well this semester. I want to handle everything with organization and schedule--unlike usual, but I think it will cause less stress and cause me to be happier in the end. It's not that I don't get it done, but I'd just like to get it done without stress, and with slightly more effort and care. Let's see if I can finally pull it together my senior year, ladies and gentleman! Ah yes, but before school is Tennessee, which I'm ultra stoked about.

I've been thinking a lot about relationships in general lately. It's so we live through our relationships, we rarely are thinking about where they came from, or how they started--what draws us to people, and what draws us apart? One thing I really love about relationships is that we don't really need to analyze or think about them to start them--they generally just happen because of a vibe or connection or sorts that really can't be explained. I really can only smile when I think about people in my life that must have been truly ordained to be there. There's nothing more comforting than being able to talk to someone who truly understands you, and be able to act exactly as you are when with them. As we all have friends, and acquaintences, there's those people that go beyond that. The people who truly feel like a soul-sister or brother--the ones that cannot really be appreciated no matter how much you try, because what they do for you emotionally and daily goes beyond what you can appreciate. The ones who allow you to be selfish in that they care for you so much, it seems that you'll never be able to return the favor to them. The ones that make me better, who edify me and tell me the truth when I don't want to hear it, or truly don't see it. The ones that make me grow, who push me spiritually and pray for me when they say they will. The ones that make me laugh and laugh at me, and share similarities that seem would only be family. I only come across one of these every so often, but when I do, I know to thank God, because these are the relationships that allow you to reach out to others and touch them as they've touched you. And as some of these relationships fade due to one cirumstance or another, or grow stronger, I know that I am truly blessed to experience them if even for a short time. So go on and thank your friends or significant other for not only who they are, but what they do for you--because being a good friend isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. And as I look back on friendships that aren't the same as they once were, I realize there is an evolution of sorts with all relationships, but no matter where they end up, they should be treasured, and recognized as an experience of learning and loving. So whether there is a distance of miles, communication, or just life has gotten busy, allow your friends to hear from you how important they are. I'm not a perfect person, but I do hope that I can be this person to as many people as possible, if not just one person, because I see what some people have done in my life, and to those, I do thank you, and I love you.

-Erin Glynn