Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm Making the Stage My Home Again

That's right, friends. I will be casted in "Out to Sea", a production put on by a group in my Art and Film Against Totalitarian Regimes class. Why, you ask would I do a thing like this? Because it replaces two papers. That's right ladies and gentlemen. All I have to do is be in this show, and I will be exempt from two of the three papers due this semester. That saves me about 30-40 pages of writing, so I'm game. We had our initial meeting today, and I'm going to have to be one of the leads due to people trying to be in a play and not wanting to act. It will probably be more work to memorize all these lines and put this thing together, but I do not care.

We've been working like crazy on the bridal shower! It's really starting to come together, and I love everything we've done so far. Tomorrow we start favorite part. =] There is so much to do along with school and work, I'm not sure how I'll get it all done. Oh well, at least it'll be fantastic. Almost be as fantastic as the BACHELORETTE BLOW OUT!

This is a quick one. I'm tired, lazy, and out of words, believe it or not.

-Erin Glynn

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm So Tired

Last night was hilarious. What a refreshing, crazy night. I think I laughed for six hours straight. I got some crazy throat for sure, and my lack of voice shows it.

I needed a good laugh, because in all honesty, I feel like I'm going to burst. I'm like a water balloon that's filled beyond its capacity. The week ahead looks daunting, and I wish I was a sponge that could be squeezed of all this. I'm fed up with a lot, and wishing I could feel regret more than apathy. I feel calloused to the point where apathy is all I can muster, because the only regret I ever feel is things I didn't do or didn't say. People are going to make their own choices, and sometimes nothing you say or do will change it.

I have so much going on, that the parasitic presences existing in my life that were once tolerable, no longer are. I feel the big chapter turning in my life, and I'm becoming the person I'm going to be for the rest of my life. That's where I have to finally do what's right for me, and release what needs to go, and be at peace with what needs to stay. I feel used for having compassion on those that don't appreciate it, and defending those that wouldn't do the same for me. I feel walked all over, and it's a foreign feeling. Sometimes things you never thought would change, do. I can only view it as a door, or a path to something new. Tell the sixteen year old me what's going on, and she calls you a crazy liar. You tell her it's the truth, sad as it seems.Would she change the next few years though, knowing now what's going to happen? Nah, she wouldn't change it for the world.

And so, we learn from experience and experience new things everyday. That means we continue to learn--and though sometimes painful, always beneficial. Take these things in stride, and deal with things day by day. Pray for wisdom, and do the best you can. Everything happens for a reason, and rash, emotional, or dramatic ways of dealing with it will only make situations worse than they already are. Try not to victimize yourself, or plague yourself with a "woe is me" attitude, and assess situations before you react to them. Take advantage of the good resources that God has given you. They are there for a reason.

The eyes of the Lord search to and fro
For one who will serve him
By His Spirit letting him know, how much he adores him
So open your eyes, He's calling you by name
Remove the lies, they're holding you in chains
There's hope in the Holy God
By the Lamb that was slain
So open your eyes Open your eyes

They cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses.--Psalm 107:19 We aren't thrown on this earth like dice tossed across a table. We are sovereignly and lovingly placed here for a purpose. God has given us a purpose for our existence, a reason to go on, even though that existence includes tough times. Living through suffering, we become sanctified--in other words, set apart for the glory of God. We gain perspective. We grow deeper. We grow up!

-Erin Glynn

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just living this fantastic thing called life...

Oh my! It's been a week. Now, as much as I've wanted to update this thing, unfortunately the eighteen papers I've been getting a week have been getting in the way. A few more weeks until Spring Break....HALLELUJAH. I got an A on one paper, and that's all I've gotten back. At this point, I really don't care.

So I was supposed to get my hair chopped off tomorrow with Meghan, but what do you know? Our hairdresser had a death in the family. The fro survives another week....

The wedding is getting more and more insane! The shower is on the 28th, and my dress is ordered. I'm getting so excited for Cara! She's closing on her house soon, and everything is really starting to come together. Now I get to start preparing my maid of honor speech. >=] We really should go to a cake making class, but I don't see the point. Cara and I are truly pastry masters. Pictures will be up soon. Orlando this weekend was super fun. My family is crazy amazing. Pictures of that up soon too.

So, today I spotted my Argentinian friend from far away at the business administration building. I definitely took a detour, smirking to myself. Two stealth points for Erin. School was so boring today. I definitely officially know wayyy too much about ancient Athens.

Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:26-- Are you willing to be obscure? God will use failure in your life to break down that strong desire in your heart to see your name in lights. And when He finallybreaks you of that lust for recognition, He may place before you the lights like you've never imagined. But then it won't matter. You won't care if you're prime time or small time, center stage or backstage, leading the charge or packing the baggage. You're just part of the King's army. People of selfless dedication are mainly....available. That's plenty!

-Erin Glynn

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Papers, Pitas, People, and Progress

Admit it, the alliteration in my title is simply genius. I'm being plagued with school work, yet, I continue to put the 'pro' in procrastination. It's a fun game I like to play called, "let's see how down to the wire I can do my assignments without miserably failing." It's really fun. This blog seems to be a perfect tool in aiding my procrastination!

Today Omar and I were supposed to go to Chi Alpha. Needless to say, it was a failed attempt (all Omar's fault of course) and we ended up going to the Pita Pit instead. It was actually really good. I was thinking..."How good can a pita really be?" But, I must support the pita now. It was delightful. While I was waiting for Omar to meet me (Which in this case could not come soon enough) some Argentinian dude asked if he could keep me company. I pretty much tried to say no, but he sat down and started talking anyway. He was actually quite nice, but I was now meeting Omar at the library, and I was thinking in my head, "Why am I sitting here talking to this Argentinian....",so I was like...GOTTA GO! So he asked for my phone number...and I gave it to him, but with the wrong area code...Heh heh heh. >=] Wow, I really hope I never see him again...that could get awkward. He'll be like, "QUE PASA, JERK!" Anyway, I've missed Omy, so it was fun....but I continue to ignore the paper I have for The Golden Age of Athens.

I was thinking last night about some stuff, and I came to realize that I feel like I'm in such a place of waiting at the moment. I'm in a completely new circumstance, but I feel like I'm simply setting up for something bigger and better, and I can't wait for that moment to arrive. I'm completely content, and even happy with where I'm at, and what I'm doing, but I feel like God's telling me, "Don't get comfortable, you're on the verge of change!" I don't know what it is, but I feel like I'll soon be completely ready for this change.

OKAY, WHITNEY. I'm actually going to answer one of these seriously for once. I'm doing your survey as an act of love, and the fact that I'd love to just see it somewhere someday, and be like, "THAT'S THE SURVEY WHITNEY WROTE!" I can only do my part to spread it, so here it goes:

1. What do you do after a bad day?Listen to some good music, or talk to someone I know will make me happy!
2. What song frequently gets stuck in your head?Allllll eyes on me in the center of the rinnnng just like a circusssss!....AHHHHHH!
3. Your very first memory:I remember the Christmas where me, Jon, and Cara all had the Chickenpox. I'm not sure how old I was though.
4. Your morning routine: Morning? What's that? (Shower, do hair, get dressed, check email, etc)
5. Your favorite clothing item: Definitely my new Taverniti's. Japanese denim from the gods.
6. Something you wish you could take back:There's a few things, but no need to list them here!
7. Something you did wrong, but don't wish you could take back:Probably giving that guy my phone number purposely with the wrong area code.
8. What things do you LIKE to think you're good at, but you may not be? Cooking! (No really, I'm just a great cook.)
9. Who makes you laugh til you gotta pee? There are several people in my life that crack me up, but only Niki pees when she laughs. (Sorry girl)
10. What do you think God's thinking right now? Why did I give poor Erin that hair?!?
11. What are you looking forward to? Summer vacation
12. Famous person you wish you were: Shawn Johnson, so I could be a gymnastics STAR!
13. Famous person you're glad you aren't: Chris Brown, and Rhianna....hahaha
14. What's that weird habit/tick you do or think? Sometimes I squeal when I laugh, or snort...or both....
15. 5 things you'd bring with you if stranded on a desert island: Four friends and an everlasting gobstopper!
16. What's the best part of your day?When I get out of work or school and I'M FREEEEE!
17. What do you wish was already done right now?My papers :( I need to clean my room too.
18. What's your favorite word(s)?This is a really tough one, because I really like words. One of my favorites is PREPOSTEROUS!
19. Favorite breakfast: I love pancakes!
20. Cliche you're sick of: I'm sick of all cliches...I hate them!

Great is your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:23--It may be the most difficult time in your life. You may be enduring your own whirlwind...or you may be the innocent bystander caught in the consequential backwash of another's sin. You may feel desperately alone, and it may seem that it wil never, ever end. But believe me, the whirlwind is a temporary experience. Your faithful, caring Lord will see you through it.

-Erin Glynn

Monday, February 9, 2009

I am part of the blogging nation

Okay, so I've finally given in. I'm going to be a true blogger. This can't be a far cry from the glorious Xanga days in highschool, but hopefully this is slightly less embarassing to look back on. (most likely not) I'm sure nobody will read this for the most part, but that's probably a good thing. I need to write things down for myself more than anything. I'm just one of those types that would rather write than scream. It's more refreshing in my humble opionion. Those who do drop in now and then will get the privilage of learning about me a little deeper. (Scary, huh?) I hope I can use this frequently. I cannot promise daily, but I'll try my hardest to continue writing bits and pieces.

So really, what do you write in the first post? Well, let's talk about my current life, and I'm sure like everything I do in life, I'll get off track and end in some distant thought that has nothing to do with anything!

You know what I've realized lately? One of the most important things you can do is to continue to self-evaluate. Pull back, stop, and take a second to earnestly, and moreover, honestly evaluate who you currently are. What are your motivations? Are you walking as closely to God as you should be? Are you doing things to keep your goals in tact, and are you treating others the way that you should? Are you being responsible, holding good character, and having integrity? It's so odd that sometimes we allow 'life' to get in the way of...well, life. We become so busy and wrapped around the things that are 'important' and we lose ourselves in the midst of it. Well, you know what's coming next....I HAVE BEEN DOING THAT LATELY! It seems the longer you allow yourself to ignore who you are becoming through the business of life, the more shocking it is when you take the time to sit down and evalute yourself. A few days ago, I sat down and began to think. (Dangerous, I know.) It had been awhile since the last time I asked myself some of these questions, and suddenly, I was like, "ERIN, WHO ARE YOU!?!?" When I got over the initial shock, I allowed myself to honestly assess situations that I was currently in. It's funny how I didn't even see them as situations, because the hetic manner I was living my life allowed me to ignore if that solves anything. I found having a bitter and angry attitude towards a lot, because I was feeling hurt by people, and by circumstance. I became very nostalgic over a lot of things, which everyone knows is a big step for me...hahaha. But, after becoming worrisome, and fretting over the action I should take, I am finally to the point where I have decided on the things I needed to decide, and put to peace things that were overwhelming me. It was like a catharsis, and I'm suddenly cleansed of a lot, simply because I took the time to self-evaluate.

What can I say? Life is good. I'm continuing classes at USF, and writing far too many papers, and reading far too many scholarly journals. Work has been going as well as possible, even though if I keep getting the same heinous sidework consecutively. Italy is still in progress, and so is the wedding (Cara, we'll get you married somehow). The weather has been cool, so I must thank the weather gods for my silky smooth hair these past few days. International has a Zara now, and I want to work at Zara Men, because my fascination with nicely tailored men's clothing continues to plague me. Banana (I never know when to stop the nanana's) Republic is having sick sales, and my amazing new friend Jack was literally the best retail worker I've ever met. He had an opinion on everything we tried on, and what was scary, was that he was always right. I wanted to take that cute little flamboyant man and put him in my pocket and take him home with me. These next few weeks will be super tough schoolastically, but I'm looking forward to hashing through it and getting it done.

Love one another fervently, and with a pure heart. 1 Peter 1:22--Being obedient to the truth means that we don't have to look at others through the distorted lenses of our own biases. We can see them as God sees them, and love them as he loves them. This has a purfying effect on us. It purges us, not only from a limited perspective, but from prejudice, resentment, hurt feelings, and grudges. Such purity of soul helps us love each other without hypocrisy and with a sincere love. It doesn't blind us to each other's faults; it gives us the grace to overlook them.

-Erin Glynn