Monday, February 9, 2009

I am part of the blogging nation

Okay, so I've finally given in. I'm going to be a true blogger. This can't be a far cry from the glorious Xanga days in highschool, but hopefully this is slightly less embarassing to look back on. (most likely not) I'm sure nobody will read this for the most part, but that's probably a good thing. I need to write things down for myself more than anything. I'm just one of those types that would rather write than scream. It's more refreshing in my humble opionion. Those who do drop in now and then will get the privilage of learning about me a little deeper. (Scary, huh?) I hope I can use this frequently. I cannot promise daily, but I'll try my hardest to continue writing bits and pieces.

So really, what do you write in the first post? Well, let's talk about my current life, and I'm sure like everything I do in life, I'll get off track and end in some distant thought that has nothing to do with anything!

You know what I've realized lately? One of the most important things you can do is to continue to self-evaluate. Pull back, stop, and take a second to earnestly, and moreover, honestly evaluate who you currently are. What are your motivations? Are you walking as closely to God as you should be? Are you doing things to keep your goals in tact, and are you treating others the way that you should? Are you being responsible, holding good character, and having integrity? It's so odd that sometimes we allow 'life' to get in the way of...well, life. We become so busy and wrapped around the things that are 'important' and we lose ourselves in the midst of it. Well, you know what's coming next....I HAVE BEEN DOING THAT LATELY! It seems the longer you allow yourself to ignore who you are becoming through the business of life, the more shocking it is when you take the time to sit down and evalute yourself. A few days ago, I sat down and began to think. (Dangerous, I know.) It had been awhile since the last time I asked myself some of these questions, and suddenly, I was like, "ERIN, WHO ARE YOU!?!?" When I got over the initial shock, I allowed myself to honestly assess situations that I was currently in. It's funny how I didn't even see them as situations, because the hetic manner I was living my life allowed me to ignore if that solves anything. I found having a bitter and angry attitude towards a lot, because I was feeling hurt by people, and by circumstance. I became very nostalgic over a lot of things, which everyone knows is a big step for me...hahaha. But, after becoming worrisome, and fretting over the action I should take, I am finally to the point where I have decided on the things I needed to decide, and put to peace things that were overwhelming me. It was like a catharsis, and I'm suddenly cleansed of a lot, simply because I took the time to self-evaluate.

What can I say? Life is good. I'm continuing classes at USF, and writing far too many papers, and reading far too many scholarly journals. Work has been going as well as possible, even though if I keep getting the same heinous sidework consecutively. Italy is still in progress, and so is the wedding (Cara, we'll get you married somehow). The weather has been cool, so I must thank the weather gods for my silky smooth hair these past few days. International has a Zara now, and I want to work at Zara Men, because my fascination with nicely tailored men's clothing continues to plague me. Banana (I never know when to stop the nanana's) Republic is having sick sales, and my amazing new friend Jack was literally the best retail worker I've ever met. He had an opinion on everything we tried on, and what was scary, was that he was always right. I wanted to take that cute little flamboyant man and put him in my pocket and take him home with me. These next few weeks will be super tough schoolastically, but I'm looking forward to hashing through it and getting it done.

Love one another fervently, and with a pure heart. 1 Peter 1:22--Being obedient to the truth means that we don't have to look at others through the distorted lenses of our own biases. We can see them as God sees them, and love them as he loves them. This has a purfying effect on us. It purges us, not only from a limited perspective, but from prejudice, resentment, hurt feelings, and grudges. Such purity of soul helps us love each other without hypocrisy and with a sincere love. It doesn't blind us to each other's faults; it gives us the grace to overlook them.

-Erin Glynn

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