Admit it, the alliteration in my title is simply genius. I'm being plagued with school work, yet, I continue to put the 'pro' in procrastination. It's a fun game I like to play called, "let's see how down to the wire I can do my assignments without miserably failing." It's really fun. This blog seems to be a perfect tool in aiding my procrastination!
Today Omar and I were supposed to go to Chi Alpha. Needless to say, it was a failed attempt (all Omar's fault of course) and we ended up going to the Pita Pit instead. It was actually really good. I was thinking..."How good can a pita really be?" But, I must support the pita now. It was delightful. While I was waiting for Omar to meet me (Which in this case could not come soon enough) some Argentinian dude asked if he could keep me company. I pretty much tried to say no, but he sat down and started talking anyway. He was actually quite nice, but I was now meeting Omar at the library, and I was thinking in my head, "Why am I sitting here talking to this Argentinian....",so I was like...GOTTA GO! So he asked for my phone number...and I gave it to him, but with the wrong area code...Heh heh heh. >=] Wow, I really hope I never see him again...that could get awkward. He'll be like, "QUE PASA, JERK!" Anyway, I've missed Omy, so it was fun....but I continue to ignore the paper I have for The Golden Age of Athens.
I was thinking last night about some stuff, and I came to realize that I feel like I'm in such a place of waiting at the moment. I'm in a completely new circumstance, but I feel like I'm simply setting up for something bigger and better, and I can't wait for that moment to arrive. I'm completely content, and even happy with where I'm at, and what I'm doing, but I feel like God's telling me, "Don't get comfortable, you're on the verge of change!" I don't know what it is, but I feel like I'll soon be completely ready for this change.
OKAY, WHITNEY. I'm actually going to answer one of these seriously for once. I'm doing your survey as an act of love, and the fact that I'd love to just see it somewhere someday, and be like, "THAT'S THE SURVEY WHITNEY WROTE!" I can only do my part to spread it, so here it goes:
1. What do you do after a bad day?Listen to some good music, or talk to someone I know will make me happy!
2. What song frequently gets stuck in your head?Allllll eyes on me in the center of the rinnnng just like a circusssss!....AHHHHHH!
3. Your very first memory:I remember the Christmas where me, Jon, and Cara all had the Chickenpox. I'm not sure how old I was though.
4. Your morning routine: Morning? What's that? (Shower, do hair, get dressed, check email, etc)
5. Your favorite clothing item: Definitely my new Taverniti's. Japanese denim from the gods.
6. Something you wish you could take back:There's a few things, but no need to list them here!
7. Something you did wrong, but don't wish you could take back:Probably giving that guy my phone number purposely with the wrong area code.
8. What things do you LIKE to think you're good at, but you may not be? Cooking! (No really, I'm just a great cook.)
9. Who makes you laugh til you gotta pee? There are several people in my life that crack me up, but only Niki pees when she laughs. (Sorry girl)
10. What do you think God's thinking right now? Why did I give poor Erin that hair?!?
11. What are you looking forward to? Summer vacation
12. Famous person you wish you were: Shawn Johnson, so I could be a gymnastics STAR!
13. Famous person you're glad you aren't: Chris Brown, and Rhianna....hahaha
14. What's that weird habit/tick you do or think? Sometimes I squeal when I laugh, or snort...or both....
15. 5 things you'd bring with you if stranded on a desert island: Four friends and an everlasting gobstopper!
16. What's the best part of your day?When I get out of work or school and I'M FREEEEE!
17. What do you wish was already done right now?My papers :( I need to clean my room too.
18. What's your favorite word(s)?This is a really tough one, because I really like words. One of my favorites is PREPOSTEROUS!
19. Favorite breakfast: I love pancakes!
20. Cliche you're sick of: I'm sick of all cliches...I hate them!
Great is your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:23--It may be the most difficult time in your life. You may be enduring your own whirlwind...or you may be the innocent bystander caught in the consequential backwash of another's sin. You may feel desperately alone, and it may seem that it wil never, ever end. But believe me, the whirlwind is a temporary experience. Your faithful, caring Lord will see you through it.
-Erin Glynn
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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