Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I'm Getting Sick of Making Titles for These Things
I don't know why my mind is like this, and it's always before I go to sleep. hahaha. It's like I don't react or think about things completely during the day because I'm busy, or like to push it away, then when I'm still and calm, these things resurface. I feel as if I'm like the furthest thing from a perfectionist sometimes, then it seems I can't stop over analyzing things. Oh well--I think it begins with the fact that I need to come to terms with myself about certain things, but I just don't want to yet. I hate it when I find myself in a situation I can't control, or it's simply going the way I don't want it, and I feel like I need to act a certain way towards what is occuring because of these boundaries or rules I've created for myself that are probably stupid and even unattainable. I would like to chaulk it up to 'everything happens for a reason'. This to me is obvious, however finding the reason, or at least owning up to the reality of it is the general issue. I wonder when I became such a fearful person. Fearful of taking the next step, a leap of faith, a big change, or accepting a risk. Conclusion? I'M TOTALLY NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Erin Glynn
Monday, August 3, 2009
I'm Bloggerific
Number one, Jon and I won the biggest loser "Cagan Edition." Not only are we hot in the body, we also get taken out to eat by the losers and get to order their food for them. This is a double sided victory for sure. Now, let's see how much faster you can gain weight then lose it! Whatever, we're ripped to shreds for the time being.
Number two, we leave for Tennessee ever so soon. The four of us are going to have so much fun. I hope I can find Dolly Parton while I'm there. She's my hero, and very nifty with a bedazzler. Don't act like you don't like her...she's got the biggest lips on this side of the mason dixon line, and her waist is 8 inches around. That's impressive.
Number three, I want to just quit school and become a missionary. Just kidding, I must finish school, but it's coming so quickly. Jesus, save me from JSTOR!!!!!!! But really, I just want to quit school and become a missionary.
Number four, since when have I been so organized with my blog or with thoughts in general? I'm literally bulleting my thoughts. Not only is this scaring me, it makes me want to go back and jumble it all up. We all know I'm far too lazy for that though.
Life is good, what can I say? I'm happy, healthy, and single. Really, could it get much better than that? I could have better hair, or better weather to equip my hair--but I can't have it all. That would be unfair. This Sunday I heard a great message in church from Dr. Nichol's, and he talked about possessing a child-like heart, and how it opens you up to opportunity while diminishing fear which seems to innately creep it's way inside of me. It's about letting go, and allowing God to be the father. Worry and strife aren't from God, and will only add bricks to a wall between you and his voice and plan. Ironic how we must become a child to become spiritually mature. Think about it.
Oh, here's to good times:
-Erin Glynn
Friday, July 10, 2009
Another Update, New Classes, and Relationships
Praises be to Jesus, I finally was able to convince USF that I'm not a fraudulent, non-credentialed student. My classes are almost all very odd, but gotta jump through those hoops to graduate, right? Welcome to Mormonism in America and Introduction to body, mind, and culture. hahaha Big weight lifted off, and I was able to shove all my classes in Mon/Wed again which is great, so I only have to drive twice a week. I really want to do well this semester. I want to handle everything with organization and schedule--unlike usual, but I think it will cause less stress and cause me to be happier in the end. It's not that I don't get it done, but I'd just like to get it done without stress, and with slightly more effort and care. Let's see if I can finally pull it together my senior year, ladies and gentleman! Ah yes, but before school is Tennessee, which I'm ultra stoked about.
I've been thinking a lot about relationships in general lately. It's so funny...as we live through our relationships, we rarely are thinking about where they came from, or how they started--what draws us to people, and what draws us apart? One thing I really love about relationships is that we don't really need to analyze or think about them to start them--they generally just happen because of a vibe or connection or sorts that really can't be explained. I really can only smile when I think about people in my life that must have been truly ordained to be there. There's nothing more comforting than being able to talk to someone who truly understands you, and be able to act exactly as you are when with them. As we all have friends, and acquaintences, there's those people that go beyond that. The people who truly feel like a soul-sister or brother--the ones that cannot really be appreciated no matter how much you try, because what they do for you emotionally and daily goes beyond what you can appreciate. The ones who allow you to be selfish in that they care for you so much, it seems that you'll never be able to return the favor to them. The ones that make me better, who edify me and tell me the truth when I don't want to hear it, or truly don't see it. The ones that make me grow, who push me spiritually and pray for me when they say they will. The ones that make me laugh and laugh at me, and share similarities that seem would only be family. I only come across one of these every so often, but when I do, I know to thank God, because these are the relationships that allow you to reach out to others and touch them as they've touched you. And as some of these relationships fade due to one cirumstance or another, or grow stronger, I know that I am truly blessed to experience them if even for a short time. So go on and thank your friends or significant other for not only who they are, but what they do for you--because being a good friend isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. And as I look back on friendships that aren't the same as they once were, I realize there is an evolution of sorts with all relationships, but no matter where they end up, they should be treasured, and recognized as an experience of learning and loving. So whether there is a distance of miles, communication, or just life has gotten busy, allow your friends to hear from you how important they are. I'm not a perfect person, but I do hope that I can be this person to as many people as possible, if not just one person, because I see what some people have done in my life, and to those, I do thank you, and I love you.
-Erin Glynn
Friday, May 15, 2009
Well Hello There!
What do I write after not writing in this thing for like two months? Well, school ended well. It was filled with sleepless nights of papers and studying, but seeing those A's is worth it in the end...I think. I'm going to try and make this Summer a memorable one. I want to go places and see new things and meet new people, reconnect with old people, and appreciate what's around me, because soon enough it'll all change. These are the times we can't just get back whenever we want, my friends. Embrace them for all they are, even if the mundane begins to take over. I can't allow myself to get into a rut of the same old. The Summer before your senior year..it's probably a good time to figure some stuff out about yourself, right? To realize your dreams, your purpose, and how it all lines up? Complete with probably a double-digit amount of Ray's games and beach visits, it's going to be a fantastic Summer. Hopefully I'll also find myself out of state once or twice.
Meghan's birthday is on Tuesday! Happy birthday my crazy friend. I'm so glad I've known you since you were 12 and I 13. How crazy is that? Yes, I had braces when I met Meghan. Those were the times where I thought it was cool to wear my belt outside of my belt loops and put my hair in those crazy buns? And Meghan in her default hoodies and headbands. We both admit to using far too much hairspray at that time, yet they are such fond memories. Another May 19th comes around, and I'm so happy to still call her my friend. She is one of the people that truly know who I am. We've been in four countries together, countless self-caused predicaments, and brilliant fits of laughter. Happy birthday, love!
Hopefully I'll be back to this thing before my birthday...haha.
-Erin Glynn
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Oye Vey
Where EXACTLY were you when you entered 2009?In a cabin with my little ones in Gatlingburg, Tennessee.
You just drank 7 shots, what would you be doing? I'm not sure I really want to know. hahaha
Do you hate the last person you kissed? Nope!
Ever licked someone's cheek or forehead? What kind of question is this?
When did you last throw up and where? The night before thanksgiving like 15 times. I was very up close and personal to the toilet.
Have you ever flown on an airplane?Why yes I have!
What do you carry with you at all time?The cellular, and a whole lot of swagga.
What happened at 9:00 am today?I do not know. I was sleeping.
Do you and your parents get along?Pretty darn well. Of course we have our little arguments.
Do you wanna tell some one how you feel at the moment?Of course!
Who have you texted today?Quite a few people
What holiday is your birthday closest to? I guess labor day, but it's on the first day of fall sometimes. :]
How many different things did you drink today?Just agua.
Do you think you've changed over the past year? God, I hope so. hahaha
How old do you think you'll be when you have kids? I have no clue.
Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?hahahaha....at this rate, I don't know!
Are you waiting for something?Yes. A few things actually.
Were you happy when you woke up today?I'm pretty much never happy when I first wake up due to grumpy after I wake up syndrome.
If you could change your eye color, would you? lol probably
What were you doing at 8 am this morning?Sleeping! Goodness.
Do you like to have long hair or short hair?WAY TOO LONG
Name 4 emotions at this exact moment:tired, excited, scared, happy
Do you spend a lot of time with your parents? I would think I do.
Do you flip your pillow to the cold side? Yes! There aren't many things better than the cold pillow.
Do you sleep with one leg off the bed?I'm all over the place when I sleep. Sometimes I wake up amazed at myself.
How many times have you eaten sushi? Quite a few times.
Are you a big fan of thunderstorms?I LOOOOOOOVE thunderstorms.
Do you ever think "what if" about anything?Duh.
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? David
Does any part of your body hurt right now? Yes, I'm sore.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it? Mmhmm.
Do you have an accent? Yes. Australian when I am payed for it. ;]
Are you good at giving directions? LOL NO!
Have you ever been back-stabbed by a friend? Not horribly.
Have you cried today? Negative
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Hahaha...ummm my mom.
What will you be doing in an hour? Dreaming?
Spring or summer?Summer
Do you watch Spongebob? Heck friggen no
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate? hahaha...yes. I have benifit of the doubt syndrome.
Confused about anything? When is Erin Glynn not?
Where you want to go vacation-wise? Italy!
Do you prefer to call or text someone?It depends on the situation. I prefer face to face conversation!! =]
Are you friends with any of your exes? mmhmm
How do you feel about change? Sometimes it scares me, but I usually end up enjoying it. Life is boring without it.
Did you get any compliments lately? Only Theresa who calls me Miss America every shift.
Are you friends with your neighbors? I guess you could say that.
Ever been told you were loved by someone who didn't mean it? haha...that's a sad thing to assume
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Probably not. hahaha
Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? Yes. But I'm pretty sure I stopped liking them like three days later.
Do people ever think you're older/younger than you actually are?Sometimes older, sometimes younger.
Do you think boys truly understand girls? Not really.
Are you happy right now? Why not be?
Have you ever slept with the opposite sex and not have sex with them? I've never slept with the opposite sex. hahaha
Have you kissed more then 10 people this year?I have kissed zero people this year! LOL
Where did you get the shirt your wearing? Nature Coast Highschool Basketball
Do you like meeting new people? Usually!
Ever kissed someone who smokes? Negative
Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile? Usually. I'm a pretty smiley person
Meet anyone new this year? I should hope so
Have you ever liked someone then realize you don't? I rarely like people to be honest. Then when I finally do, usually some tragic flaw emerges, like they're married, or they have leprosey.
What time did you go to sleep last night? I think at like 1?
Do you believe exs can be just friends? I suppose so.
Where is your biological father right now? Sleeping.
Do you hate anyone? No. Just dislike.
Can you easily tell when someone's fake? Usually. I'm pretty discerning.
Will this weekend be a good one? It'll be a crazzzy one.
What do you currently hear right now? The water from my mother's stupid aero garden.
lDo you want to see someone right now? Yep!
When was the last time you cleaned your room? Yesterday
Last thing you and your boyfriend/girlfriend talked about? No tengo un novio.
Do you believe you could change for somebody? ERIN DON'T CHANGE FOR NO ONE
Is the last person you kissed mad at you? I hope not
How's your heart? Hopefully beating.
Do you believe people deserve second chances? Usually
Were you single on your last birthday? Of course. I'm Erin Single Cagan!
How much longer til your next birthday? About six months
Would you go back in time if you had the chance? Yes, if I could come back to the present!
Are you friends with your first love? Yesh.
Will tomorrow be better then today? I always hope each day builds from the last
What color is your shirt?Blue
Sometimes does it feel like your life is going no where? At times, yes.
Do you bite your lip? Yeah. =/
Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in holy crap he's hot at first sight.
Do you open up to a lot of people? I guess not
Do you have any strange phobias? Sea Animals? Ughh
What do you friends call you? Erin, Er, Erry, Glynn, Glynnie, Glynnaford, EGC, Ernie, Nernie, Nern, Nernie Bird, Nernz, Errra errn, Erin go braless (thanks helene), Cagan, Cags, Cajun, Caganator....etc
Who is the best hugger you know? UMMM...Probably MYSELF! I LOVE HUGS!
Has anyone ever told you they would die for you? Yeah. Kirsten even told me she would attack someone like a feline on aids. Hahahaha.
-Erin Glynn
Monday, March 23, 2009
Back to Real Life
So, we celebrated Frankie's 28th birthday (you old hag) and our very pregnant Sarah was so cute. It's been awhile since I've seen them and since Meghan and I haven't been balling on Mondays, it was good to see them again. There was about seven million people there, and the dogs of course. Rock band was on one TV and March Madness on the other. I was extremely fortunate to catch this footage of a very non-enthusiastic Sarah singing while that crazy girl on the drums (who claimed it was easier when she used her hands instead of the sticks) was going nuts. Luke kept it pretty normal on the guitty. I don't know why, but the entire time, Sarah was so funny when she sang:
24 was absolutely insane tonight. When the last seconds ticked away for this episode, my family just sat there open mouthed-while my brother let out a noooo. Next was is going to be CRAZYYYYY!!!
10 random things I am infamous for:
1. Having gum in my mouth like 99% of my life
2. My hair
3. Leaning into people's shoulders when I laugh
4. How much I love hugs
5. How awkward I am when a guy likes me and I don't like them (thanks tiffany)
6. My wide variety of shoes
7. Knowing the differences between Neo-Classical and Baroque, but not knowing how to get anywhere.
8. My facial expressions
9. Being a chronic napper
10. How extremely forgetful/absent minded/clutsy I can be
-Erin Glynn
Friday, March 20, 2009
Post Pittsburgh Fun
Memorable Quotes:
Tiffany singing Kelly Clarkson to Maxine the GPS: "MY LIFE WOULD SUCKKK WITHOUTTTT YOU!"
"Route calculation, turn back where possible." -Maxine
"Just so you know, the girl we're staying with looks like Rodney Dangerfield." -Tiffany
Erin: "I have a confession to make"
Tiffany: "What?"
Erin: "I think I have a lesbian crush on Maxine."
Tiffany: "Back off, she's mine."
"OOOOO...I saw you...you po frickin po." -Tiffany
Tiffany: "Erin, omg look back now"
Erin: "Oh, I saw it...you think I could miss that hamburgler?"
"The thing about him is that he's always trying to be switty." -Erin
"UGH, What is up with these curbs and things around here and tires? And them TRYING to pop my tires!" -Tiffany
Tiffany: "I think I may have a small crush on him...I'll tell you in a second"
Erin: "Okay."
Tiffany stops the car: "Ugh, I think maybe it was just that peacoat."
Erin: "I told you! NEVER underestimate the power of a peacoat."
"Tiffany, I had a dream last night that you fell in a construction hole and died. And it was all my fault." -Erin
Erin: "Didn't we already pass that store?"
Tiffany: "FRICK FACE...we just went in a circle."
Tiffany: "Maxine is such a good friend...all she does is give and give and give."
Erin: "And you can mute her whenever you want."
Tiffany: "Erin, don't! Maxine does NOT like to be muted."
"We need to go to that egg show." -Tiffany
"That guy's animal is a bowling pin head." -Tiffany
-Leaving Florida at 4am and arriving at 10:30 pm and leaving Pitt at 10:35 pm and arriving in Florida at 8:00 pm.
-Me having a dream that Tiffany fell in a construction hole and died.
-Lenders Bagels
-The extreme fog/deer we encountered on the way back
-How it flurried in West Virginia and Tiffany started panicing like she was driving through a blizzard.
-How we seemed to get lost in downtown Pittsburgh for a total of like 12 hours throughout the trip....with Maxine our GPS cohort. And how it always seemed to be at the same bridge.
-Taking the highschooler unknowingly to the "south side"
-Playing cards at Starbucks
-Awkward get togethers
-Tiffany goes on interviews while Erin goes shopping
-How seriously ugly we looked on the way there and the way back
-How Tiffany can no longer hold in her urine for more than five minutes
-Pulling over at gas stations and hotel parking lots and taking power naps while driving home.
-Tiffany's obsession with the Fort Pitt tunnel on the way there
-Leaving my phone and wallet in the Panera bathroom and not realizing for like an hour and a half...then the guy who retrieves it decides to call my mom for God only knows what reason
-Slopey and Henney: Our game names at Buffalo wild wings
-Tiffany questioning me on my opinion of every person I met
-Highschool curfews
-Making friends with the guys inside the Christian Science center reading room
-Losing our parking ticket
-Tiffany geting a faux parking ticket from an angry neighbor reading, "DO NOT PARK HERE. NOT A LEGAL SPACE."
-Tiffany's response to everything being..."THORRY!" (Thanks Gilly)
-How tiffany drank coffee like seven times a day
-Eating chips and queso while driving there
-Having no more chips and queso for the drive back
-My camera flying off my lap and into my to go cup of water and sinking to its death
-Our server's hair style at ghetto Sonny's
-Watching FSU beat UNC during my first Red Robin experience
-A random cat rubbing itself against Tiffany's leg and scaring the crap out of her while we were locked out of the house.
Random Videos:
-Erin Glynn
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Mid-Mid-Term Studying Update
Out at Sea is coming along, and I'm excited to announce that we are going with our original thought and playing the men instead of switching it to women. I'm excited for no other reason except that we will be wearing suits, ties, and pocket squares. How glad am I that the script calls for this? Extremely. I finally get to pick out my own men's dress clothes outfit! hahaha. I need to learn how to tie a tie. My dad obviously knows how since he wears them everyday, but he ties them really tight with a little ugly knot like they did in 1984. The main characters are Fat, Medium, and Thin to which I play Thin. I need a slimming suit.
I miss Kirsten. Her aura is so far away, and I just don't like it. :[ I'm really not sure what an aura is, but Schadrac and I used to talk about them like we knew, and give people's auras colors as we catered to them. He said my aura was a mix of colors because I'm all over the place, and I told him that his was black because he's black. 24 was ridiculous this week, and the death of Bill Buchanan (May he R.I.P.)might be the closest i've ever cried while watching television. Just kidding, 24 has trained me in only semi-lamenting the death of main characters. THERE'S NO TIME FOR MOURNING IN 24! Bill took one for the team, so I'll commemorate him below:

Today at work, I got a 20 dollar tip on a 33 dollar check. I'm really not sure why they did that, but it made me feel like a super server. My new phone is on its way. GOODBYE NAVY BLUE SAMSUNG SLIDER PHONE FROM HELL!!! My new phone has a keypad so I can text just as quickly as the rest of the world. It is making its way through the US Postal Service as we speak. The tribal burning ceremonies for navybluesamsungsliderphonefromhell will be held the day following the receiving of my new glorious white and teal gravity phone. The little kiddies are gearing up for fine arts. I'm pretty stoked....they're going to be amazing ORLANDO, HERE WE COME! (Yes it is reference to where the district competition will be held, as well as a call out to Orlando Faith who we will out-dramatize if it's the last thing we do). Alright, I suppose I've written enough. I will continue to study as well as fill the insatiable craving for salt I have by eating these pretzels. Ciao my loves!
-Erin Glynn
Saturday, March 7, 2009
An Oldschool Ode to the Old Tiffany and I
So, I was going through some pictures on the old lappy toppy, and I came across some of these videos. A confirmation that whilst living together, Tiffany and I caused eachother mutual insanity. I honestly don't even remember taping some of these. It was fun though, and that's why I figured I'd post a few. Oh yes, there's even more than this. The beginning of College couldn't have been any more hilarious.This is really for Tiffany...I love you girl! hahahaha
-Erin Glynn
So I'm Up With My Little Brother Who Is Upchucking Like No Other
Wii recording was fun. I got my Steve Irwin on, as well as an array of other fine voices. I've come to the conclusion that I really hate hearing my own voice, and I feel bad for all you unfortunate people that have to hear it all the time. I'm pretty sure it's cold in Pittsburg, so I'm going to go ahead and use that as an excuse for some new shoes, or something.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wiicording Today

I'm friggen tired. Goodnight my loves.
-Erin Glynn
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Quick Update With a Bit of Immaturity
The Wii auditions were so fun! Today was our first practice for "Out at Sea". It went fantastically...we're going to have a lot of fun. It's a great group of people. I can't believe Kirsten is moving. This is total craziness I cannot even comprehend. I just can't believe it...it's going to be so weird not having her right near me like she always is. :( She is going to be severely missed. The bridal shower is finally done! Everyone really seemed to have a good time. Cara friggen banked, and everything went so smoothly--let's hope the wedding follows in its footsteps. Mid-terms are approaching and I couldn't be more thrilled. (PSYCHE)
For the immaturity:
This is the new facebook trend...I figured I'd transfer it over here =]
Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People:
1.Despite what you may think, I still love you with all my heart.
2.Talking to you makes the day better than it was.
3.I can't believe how much your life is changing. I'm so happy for you.
4.You are my rock. I don't know what I'd do without you.
5.Don't worry, God's going to take care of it.
6.You are seriously an idiot.
7.I hope you're staying out of trouble.
8.You are the funniest girl I know. I love you.
9.You can fool everybody else, but no matter what you do, you can't fool God.
10.I think you are one of the most interesting/intriguing people I've ever come across. I hope you never change for anyone.
Nine things about myself:
1.So much of my life is up in the air right now.
2.In my opinion, laughing makes everything better.
3.I love to cook, even moreso than before.
4.I'm obsessed with gymnastics!
5.Sometimes I take life more seriously, because I feel like I have to.
6.I want a wiener dog.
7.I love animal prints!
8.Tea over coffee anyday.
9.I want to speak so many languages.
Eight ways to win my heart:
1.Being hilarious, or at least having a sense of humor.
2.Somebody with ambition
3.Clothes that fit impeccably. This goes along with amazing jeans, and being able to put an outfit together.
4.In tune with their feelings
5.Willing to do different things
Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1.This is boring
2.I'm hungry
3.Nice pants
4.I have eighteen papers to work on
5.Why is this song stuck in my head?
6.Where's my phone?
7.Ugh, I have to go to work
Six things I do before I fall asleep:
1.Brush my teeth
2.Check my email/computer crap
3.Read my bible
4.Put on some comfy clothes
5.Charge my phone
6.Watch some miscellaneous television while doing homework
Five people who mean a lot (in no order):
(Okay, maybe I cheated on that)
Four things you're wearing right now:
1. Gators Hoodie
2. PJ pants
3. Slippers
4. Necklace
Three songs that you listen to often:
1. Bless the Lord -Jeff Deyo
2. You Won't Relent- Misty Edwards
3. Point of No Return- Phantom of the Opera
Two things you want to do before you die:
1.Travel everywhere
2.Fall crazy in love
One confession:
1. When I was little, I used to want to marry Luke Skywalker.
-Erin Glynn
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm Making the Stage My Home Again
We've been working like crazy on the bridal shower! It's really starting to come together, and I love everything we've done so far. Tomorrow we start cooking...my favorite part. =] There is so much to do along with school and work, I'm not sure how I'll get it all done. Oh well, at least it'll be fantastic. Almost be as fantastic as the BACHELORETTE BLOW OUT!
This is a quick one. I'm tired, lazy, and out of words, believe it or not.
-Erin Glynn
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I'm So Tired
I needed a good laugh, because in all honesty, I feel like I'm going to burst. I'm like a water balloon that's filled beyond its capacity. The week ahead looks daunting, and I wish I was a sponge that could be squeezed of all this. I'm fed up with a lot, and wishing I could feel regret more than apathy. I feel calloused to the point where apathy is all I can muster, because the only regret I ever feel is things I didn't do or didn't say. People are going to make their own choices, and sometimes nothing you say or do will change it.
I have so much going on, that the parasitic presences existing in my life that were once tolerable, no longer are. I feel the big chapter turning in my life, and I'm becoming the person I'm going to be for the rest of my life. That's where I have to finally do what's right for me, and release what needs to go, and be at peace with what needs to stay. I feel used for having compassion on those that don't appreciate it, and defending those that wouldn't do the same for me. I feel walked all over, and it's a foreign feeling. Sometimes things you never thought would change, do. I can only view it as a door, or a path to something new. Tell the sixteen year old me what's going on, and she calls you a crazy liar. You tell her it's the truth, sad as it seems.Would she change the next few years though, knowing now what's going to happen? Nah, she wouldn't change it for the world.
And so, we learn from experience and experience new things everyday. That means we continue to learn--and though sometimes painful, always beneficial. Take these things in stride, and deal with things day by day. Pray for wisdom, and do the best you can. Everything happens for a reason, and rash, emotional, or dramatic ways of dealing with it will only make situations worse than they already are. Try not to victimize yourself, or plague yourself with a "woe is me" attitude, and assess situations before you react to them. Take advantage of the good resources that God has given you. They are there for a reason.
The eyes of the Lord search to and fro
For one who will serve him
By His Spirit letting him know, how much he adores him
So open your eyes, He's calling you by name
Remove the lies, they're holding you in chains
There's hope in the Holy God
By the Lamb that was slain
So open your eyes Open your eyes
They cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses.--Psalm 107:19 We aren't thrown on this earth like dice tossed across a table. We are sovereignly and lovingly placed here for a purpose. God has given us a purpose for our existence, a reason to go on, even though that existence includes tough times. Living through suffering, we become sanctified--in other words, set apart for the glory of God. We gain perspective. We grow deeper. We grow up!
-Erin Glynn
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Just living this fantastic thing called life...
So I was supposed to get my hair chopped off tomorrow with Meghan, but what do you know? Our hairdresser had a death in the family. The fro survives another week....
The wedding is getting more and more insane! The shower is on the 28th, and my dress is ordered. I'm getting so excited for Cara! She's closing on her house soon, and everything is really starting to come together. Now I get to start preparing my maid of honor speech. >=] We really should go to a cake making class, but I don't see the point. Cara and I are truly pastry masters. Pictures will be up soon. Orlando this weekend was super fun. My family is crazy amazing. Pictures of that up soon too.
So, today I spotted my Argentinian friend from far away at the business administration building. I definitely took a detour, smirking to myself. Two stealth points for Erin. School was so boring today. I definitely officially know wayyy too much about ancient Athens.
Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:26-- Are you willing to be obscure? God will use failure in your life to break down that strong desire in your heart to see your name in lights. And when He finallybreaks you of that lust for recognition, He may place before you the lights like you've never imagined. But then it won't matter. You won't care if you're prime time or small time, center stage or backstage, leading the charge or packing the baggage. You're just part of the King's army. People of selfless dedication are mainly....available. That's plenty!
-Erin Glynn
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Papers, Pitas, People, and Progress
Today Omar and I were supposed to go to Chi Alpha. Needless to say, it was a failed attempt (all Omar's fault of course) and we ended up going to the Pita Pit instead. It was actually really good. I was thinking..."How good can a pita really be?" But, I must support the pita now. It was delightful. While I was waiting for Omar to meet me (Which in this case could not come soon enough) some Argentinian dude asked if he could keep me company. I pretty much tried to say no, but he sat down and started talking anyway. He was actually quite nice, but I was now meeting Omar at the library, and I was thinking in my head, "Why am I sitting here talking to this Argentinian....",so I was like...GOTTA GO! So he asked for my phone number...and I gave it to him, but with the wrong area code...Heh heh heh. >=] Wow, I really hope I never see him again...that could get awkward. He'll be like, "QUE PASA, JERK!" Anyway, I've missed Omy, so it was fun....but I continue to ignore the paper I have for The Golden Age of Athens.
I was thinking last night about some stuff, and I came to realize that I feel like I'm in such a place of waiting at the moment. I'm in a completely new circumstance, but I feel like I'm simply setting up for something bigger and better, and I can't wait for that moment to arrive. I'm completely content, and even happy with where I'm at, and what I'm doing, but I feel like God's telling me, "Don't get comfortable, you're on the verge of change!" I don't know what it is, but I feel like I'll soon be completely ready for this change.
OKAY, WHITNEY. I'm actually going to answer one of these seriously for once. I'm doing your survey as an act of love, and the fact that I'd love to just see it somewhere someday, and be like, "THAT'S THE SURVEY WHITNEY WROTE!" I can only do my part to spread it, so here it goes:
1. What do you do after a bad day?Listen to some good music, or talk to someone I know will make me happy!
2. What song frequently gets stuck in your head?Allllll eyes on me in the center of the rinnnng just like a circusssss!....AHHHHHH!
3. Your very first memory:I remember the Christmas where me, Jon, and Cara all had the Chickenpox. I'm not sure how old I was though.
4. Your morning routine: Morning? What's that? (Shower, do hair, get dressed, check email, etc)
5. Your favorite clothing item: Definitely my new Taverniti's. Japanese denim from the gods.
6. Something you wish you could take back:There's a few things, but no need to list them here!
7. Something you did wrong, but don't wish you could take back:Probably giving that guy my phone number purposely with the wrong area code.
8. What things do you LIKE to think you're good at, but you may not be? Cooking! (No really, I'm just a great cook.)
9. Who makes you laugh til you gotta pee? There are several people in my life that crack me up, but only Niki pees when she laughs. (Sorry girl)
10. What do you think God's thinking right now? Why did I give poor Erin that hair?!?
11. What are you looking forward to? Summer vacation
12. Famous person you wish you were: Shawn Johnson, so I could be a gymnastics STAR!
13. Famous person you're glad you aren't: Chris Brown, and Rhianna....hahaha
14. What's that weird habit/tick you do or think? Sometimes I squeal when I laugh, or snort...or both....
15. 5 things you'd bring with you if stranded on a desert island: Four friends and an everlasting gobstopper!
16. What's the best part of your day?When I get out of work or school and I'M FREEEEE!
17. What do you wish was already done right now?My papers :( I need to clean my room too.
18. What's your favorite word(s)?This is a really tough one, because I really like words. One of my favorites is PREPOSTEROUS!
19. Favorite breakfast: I love pancakes!
20. Cliche you're sick of: I'm sick of all cliches...I hate them!
Great is your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:23--It may be the most difficult time in your life. You may be enduring your own whirlwind...or you may be the innocent bystander caught in the consequential backwash of another's sin. You may feel desperately alone, and it may seem that it wil never, ever end. But believe me, the whirlwind is a temporary experience. Your faithful, caring Lord will see you through it.
-Erin Glynn
Monday, February 9, 2009
I am part of the blogging nation
So really, what do you write in the first post? Well, let's talk about my current life, and I'm sure like everything I do in life, I'll get off track and end in some distant thought that has nothing to do with anything!
You know what I've realized lately? One of the most important things you can do is to continue to self-evaluate. Pull back, stop, and take a second to earnestly, and moreover, honestly evaluate who you currently are. What are your motivations? Are you walking as closely to God as you should be? Are you doing things to keep your goals in tact, and are you treating others the way that you should? Are you being responsible, holding good character, and having integrity? It's so odd that sometimes we allow 'life' to get in the way of...well, life. We become so busy and wrapped around the things that are 'important' and we lose ourselves in the midst of it. Well, you know what's coming next....I HAVE BEEN DOING THAT LATELY! It seems the longer you allow yourself to ignore who you are becoming through the business of life, the more shocking it is when you take the time to sit down and evalute yourself. A few days ago, I sat down and began to think. (Dangerous, I know.) It had been awhile since the last time I asked myself some of these questions, and suddenly, I was like, "ERIN, WHO ARE YOU!?!?" When I got over the initial shock, I allowed myself to honestly assess situations that I was currently in. It's funny how I didn't even see them as situations, because the hetic manner I was living my life allowed me to ignore them....as if that solves anything. I found having a bitter and angry attitude towards a lot, because I was feeling hurt by people, and by circumstance. I became very nostalgic over a lot of things, which everyone knows is a big step for me...hahaha. But, after becoming worrisome, and fretting over the action I should take, I am finally to the point where I have decided on the things I needed to decide, and put to peace things that were overwhelming me. It was like a catharsis, and I'm suddenly cleansed of a lot, simply because I took the time to self-evaluate.
What can I say? Life is good. I'm continuing classes at USF, and writing far too many papers, and reading far too many scholarly journals. Work has been going as well as possible, even though if I keep getting the same heinous sidework consecutively. Italy is still in progress, and so is the wedding (Cara, we'll get you married somehow). The weather has been cool, so I must thank the weather gods for my silky smooth hair these past few days. International has a Zara now, and I want to work at Zara Men, because my fascination with nicely tailored men's clothing continues to plague me. Banana (I never know when to stop the nanana's) Republic is having sick sales, and my amazing new friend Jack was literally the best retail worker I've ever met. He had an opinion on everything we tried on, and what was scary, was that he was always right. I wanted to take that cute little flamboyant man and put him in my pocket and take him home with me. These next few weeks will be super tough schoolastically, but I'm looking forward to hashing through it and getting it done.
Love one another fervently, and with a pure heart. 1 Peter 1:22--Being obedient to the truth means that we don't have to look at others through the distorted lenses of our own biases. We can see them as God sees them, and love them as he loves them. This has a purfying effect on us. It purges us, not only from a limited perspective, but from prejudice, resentment, hurt feelings, and grudges. Such purity of soul helps us love each other without hypocrisy and with a sincere love. It doesn't blind us to each other's faults; it gives us the grace to overlook them.
-Erin Glynn